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I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2020 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Computer Science. I am seeking full time opportunities in the field of mechanical engineering, especially in a tech-oriented role that would enable me to apply my skills and knowledge from my computer science background as well.


The most important project that I have worked on is the development of a biodigester thermal system to improve sanitation conditions in refugee camps (see my engineering page!). As a design lead, I prepared engineering specifications and procedures for the product, managed our $5000 budget, oversaw procurement of materials, and developed an automated data acquisition and analysis application to remotely conduct experiments on the thermal system.

During my last internship at SOFEC Inc, I successfully led several significant software development projects into production. Additionally, I have researched in the mechanical engineering lab at the University of Houston, and have held significant roles in numerous projects at UT such as being the Mechatronics lead for a food 3D printer, a layout director for the student engineering magazine Vector, and a committee member of the 2019 Engineering EXPO.


This site is a portfolio of all my engineering and programming projects that I've completed throughout college. Please don't hesitate to reach me at: if you have any questions.

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