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Firenote is a productivity app that launches as a Chrome extension in a new tab.  Notes are formatted as to-do lists, and all note edits stay synced with Chrome using Chrome's Storage API.

cooksim ui.png


A game-based web app to teach people how to cook. Complete with dynamic HTML, form processing, account system, MySQL access, and security features.



A Python desktop app I developed during my internship that creates populated Excel files to automate a lengthy data entry process. Deployed into production as a GUI.



An analytical model built using Python scikit-learn to predict whether counties in the United States have low or adequate access to grocery stores based on socioeconomic data.



A Python program that reads a text file of temperature data, performs basic heat transfer analysis, and records the analysis results to an Excel file, all packaged into an intuitive GUI.



Google Chrome Extension


what is Firenote?

I'm always looking for a better way to stay organized and productive.  I've tried out a lot of to-do apps but it can be hard to keep up with those apps themselves, from my experience. I then had the idea to create a task organizer that opens in a new tab on Google Chrome. And because I am usually on my computer, it would always be accessible so I can stay focused on what I'm working on.

With this idea in mind, I began the development of the Firenote Chrome extension during quarantine. As a recent college graduate graduating in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to keep my skills sharp while at home to prepare for the transition from student to working adult.

Firenote is a virtual sticky notes workspace that opens in a new tab. User data is synced with Chrome's Storage API so the user's sticky notes will stay saved across multiple browser sessions. Users can create, edit, hide, minimize, delete, and rearrange these notes to their liking. Notes are formatted as to-do lists, and list items can be added, crossed out, removed, and edited as desired.



web application


what is CookSim?

CookSim is a game-based web application developed for people who want to learn how to cook. I created this project as a cooking simulator where users can log in as an aspiring chef in a virtual city and cook food in real life to complete orders from virtual customers. This system lets users learn how to cook in a fun and interactive way.

how was CookSim developed?

The front end of this application was developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, with a Bootstrap framework. The backend was developed using PHP. UI elements such as the city map, the logo, and food icons were developed with Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.

what are the functionalites of this application?

The main functionality of Cooksim is to accept user images, store that information in a MySQL database, and maintain a profile of the user's upload history. This web app utilizes all of the below features:

Dynamic HTML

Clicking on the city map causes a popup box to appear and triggers a change in the contents of the card to the right.

Form Processing

When the user submits the registration or login form, the input data is checked on the front end with JavaScript to ensure that the user inputs valid characters. An AJAX application is implemented in the account page and sends a JavaScript alert message through the PHP script if the user logs out.

Account System

This web app utilizes PHP scripts to process form data upon registration and login. At login, a text file is checked for the given username. Once logged in, a cookie is set and the website remains in a "logged in" state and will display the user's data even if the user navigates to a different website and returns.


The user can upload data (after security checks) into a MySQL table once they are logged in. The MySQL table is accessed and displayed in the user's account page.


Passwords are stored in encrypted form. There are size restrictions on all input data and purge functions to filter unacceptable characters. On the comments page, user submitted tags are stripped to prevent cross site scripting. PHP functions are used to escape characters in strings before accessing MySQL to prevent SQL injection.

Machine Learning Model

machine learning model

python application

Predicting Access to Grocery Stores Based On Socioeconomic Data

In this project, my team and I built an analytical model to predict whether counties have low or adequate access to grocery stores based on socioeconomic data. Using this model, we can classify whether or not a community has low access to food based on their socioeconomic and geographic profile. This can be useful for identifying food deserts in the United States and providing targeted assistance to communities in need.


The dataset we used is called the Food Environment Atlas. Additional information as well as a download link for the data can be found here.


Python: scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib, numpy

Dataset Analysis

  • Data Pre-Processing

    • Making Class Label (percentage of the population with low access to grocery stores) Binary

    • Splitting Dataframe into Features and Classes

    • Dimensionality Reduction with PCA

  • Built models using the below machine learning algorithms and compared accuracies

Machine Learning Algorithms & Accuracies

Data Automator

excel data automator

desktop application


what is the Excel Data Automator?

I created this desktop application to automate a lengthy data entry process during my internship to be five times more efficient. The script and GUI of this application was fully developed and packaged using Python. This tool can be used to automatically create formatted Excel files from an input data entry sheet.


what are the functionalites of this application?

User Interface

This program is packaged in a simple, clean interface that is intuitive to navigate. The large text window makes it easy for the user to visually confirm that new files have been successfully generated.

File Reading

This program can read data column by column from Excel files. By clicking the Refresh button, users can view the date last modified of output files in a given location on the user's computer.

File Creation

This utility can create formatted Excel spreadsheets on any given location on the user's computer at the click of a button.

Solar Analysis GUI

solar analysis GUI

desktop application


This is a Python application specifically designed for heat transfer analysis of the solar collector used in the Biodigester Thermal System. The application is used to perform basic heat analysis on temperature data collected by the Automated Temperature Logger system. It reads in a text file of date, time, and temperature data and collects user input on weather conditions, flow rate, and wind speed in a neatly packaged graphical user interface.


The program then computes basic variables of interest such as the max temperature gained, the time it takes to attain that max temperature, and heat gained.


The user has the option of saving the analysis results to an existing Excel file in a new line for future reference.

i. reads log.txt file


iii. export analysis data to Excel

ii. performs solar data analysis

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